Preview changes from every pull request
StackBot is a serverless app preview platform. Automatically deploy previews for your app.
Speed up your development cycle
Everything you need to test your changes in one place.
Don't worry about servers
StackBot manages all the resources needed for your application to run. Don't worry about expensive cloud bills.
Multi-repository support
Test your changes against mutiple verisions of it's dependencies. No more guessing changes to different repos will work together.
Continuos deployment
Automatically re-deploys your application on every git push. Allways up-to-date preview environment.
Unlock a new level of productivity
Hobby plan for your personal projects and custom Team plans.
Perfect for teams of any size.
starting from
What’s included
- 8 vCPU
- 16GB ram
- Scalable capacity
- Unlimited seats
- Priority support
Join waitlist
StackBot is currently under development. Join our waitlist and we will let you know when it's available.